Antrim Grammar School, Bridget Jones, Christmas, father's day, grieving, milestones, Robert Hayden, Santa Claus, Seamus Heaney, Sunday
This winter Sunday, I woke to the high-pitched scrape of steel on steel, my da sharpening my bread knife because “it wouldn’t cut butter.” I stayed in bed, allowing the long metallic strokes on each side of the blade to carry me back to the kitchen of my childhood, my father making sure the knife was sharp enough to carve the Sunday roast or the Christmas turkey. Like changing a tire or wiring a plug, it is something he has always thought I should know how to do.
Regarding the honing of the bread-knife, he says I need only exert the same pressure on each side of it and then carefully test its sharpness on the inside of my thumb. I have tried – admittedly driven more by nostalgia than necessity – but I have never been able to get the sound right. My mother can’t do it either, nor has she ever tried. Without my father, I suspect the knives in her kitchen would be as dull as mine.
Packing clothes for the journey from Belfast to Dublin and on to chilly Chicago and on to my little house all empty and shimmering in Arizona sunshine, I noticed my boots were still caked with mud, presumably from that walk at dusk through the wet leaves and muck of Heaney’s Broagh. I handed my boots to my father and asked would he take them outside to shake off the dirt. In that instant, I knew – and I was ashamed – that when those boots were back in my hands, they would be polished to a high shine.
Twenty-five days later, it is an indelible image in my mind – my father, formerly strong as an ox and stoic, is alone and crying, his head in his hands, overwhelmed and undone by feelings of inadequacy and helplessness. All he could do in that spot of time was polish my shoes, the way he had done so many times when I was a child.
My heart broke for him.
Sitting on the stairs in my parent’s house in Castledawson, the boots gleaming in my hands, lines long memorized from Robert Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays” filled my head:
Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blue-black cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him. ... Speaking indifferently to him, who had driven out the cold and polished my good shoes as well. What did I know, what did I know of love's austere and lonely offices?
In these early, endless days of whichever stage of grief the experts have placed me, I hope I am not speaking indifferently – as I have done in the past – to these parents of mine as they fumble in vain for the right way to comfort their newly widowed daughter; for the right way to approach their only granddaughter’s 16th birthday and make it impossibly less sad as another “first” milestone without her dad. I can’t contemplate Christmas and New Year’s Eve. How can it be only a year since we set off fireworks at the end of Montebello Avenue, giddy and full of good cheer for 2013?
Today, I feel like a barn sparrow in a nest. In spite of years of practice and watching others do it so effortlessly, I cannot remember how to fly. The timing’s off. Twenty-five days ago, the clocks all stopped. Some of those days, it was impossible to speak. It was easier to set words down on a page even though none of them was right. I would type a word or a phrase. Then I would delete it.
Of all the millions of words available to me, not one is adequate.
For my birthday several years ago, my husband – my late husband – bought a beautiful fountain pen. I had told him I wanted to resume the practice of writing in a diary each evening, and I wanted a good pen that was up to the task. With a nod to my teachers at Antrim Grammar School who only accepted work written in ink, I would use a fountain pen. I remember he looked at me over the tops of his glasses and asked me if I thought I was Bridget Jones. Oh, Ken, you would love the irony. Mark Darcy is dead, and Bridget is a widow. And, she’s 51. Seriously.
While I did not use the pen as much as I had hoped, it is always within reach. When breast cancer barged in two Novembers ago, along with it came a compulsion to write – but not with the pen. Thanks to a night class taken at Antrim Tech in 1980, I am a speedy typist. I still find something magical about watching words appear as a result of whatever I tap on a keyboard.
Ken loved that I was writing again – typing on my computer – even though it meant I retreated into myself for hours at a time and half the time, I never found the right words anyway. I suppose I was trying to do what Seamus Heaney talks about in “Personal Helicon” – trying to “see myself, to set the darkness echoing.” To see myself; to turn inward and then outward again as a woman changed again.
If we knew when these changes were coming – the unwanted milestones in the middle of lives being lived – would we do things differently to help soften the blow? Would we remember to say thank you to a father for sharpening knives or polishing shoes or making sure there was enough air in the tires? To a husband for making sure his wife takes her cancer medicine at the same time every night? Would we?
I am the family photographer, the historian, the collector and curator of the documentation of our lives – love notes, scrapbooks, concert tickets, handmade birthday cards, photographs; letters to and from Zoe, a Tooth Fairy that lived in the mesquite tree in our back yard along with her pixie pals, “good” lists from Santa Claus, cards from the Easter Bunny, and other figures that feature prominently in a little girl’s life; postcards from far away places, my mother’s recipes, newspaper clippings about people we know in Antrim or Derry, and handwritten airmail letters from home.
In 2011, my daughter and I made a Father’s Day scrapbook for my husband. I chose the photographs, and she was in charge of the writing which included thirteen things she loved about him, one of which was this:
“Every year of my life, your steady hand has lit the candles on my birthday cake. Thirteen wishes … shhh.”
With his steady hand, he would light the candles on only two more birthday cakes. And our steady smiling girl, just fifteen Christmases of age, would make reasonable wishes.
It never occurred to me that anyone else would light the candles on her birthday cake, or teach her to drive, or pick her up after school the way he did every single day for ten years, or hold her hand when she got cold in the frozen food aisle of the grocery store, or tell her to bring only the stale bread to the park to feed the ducks and incur the ire of two angry geese they had christened “Fight and Bite.”
The empty chair at the table, the first Christmas card to my husband and me from someone who doesn’t know yet that he is dead, the first tree ornament we bought in 1990.
Yet still I move through the house hoping to find him. Every room is full of evidence of his life – his laundry still folded on top of the washing machine, bills opened with reminders on post-it notes to pay them, unread sections of the Sunday paper on the coffee table. I noticed that he had refilled the prescription for my cancer medication so I wouldn’t have to miss a day. He had recorded The Daily Show so I wouldn’t miss an episode. There was a note to remind the landscaper to plant my favorite annuals.
Oh, what did I know of love’s austere and lonely offices?
I can’t believe it’s already been 25 days, Yvonne. My heart aches for you and your daughter and your parents. There’s nothing adequate I can say. We who love language know well it’s limitations. ‘Of all the millions of words we have, there is not one that can do the job properly.’ The only ones left that may be appropriate are that you are on my mind and in my heart every day. xo, Kathi
Oh, Kathi, I know. Thank you. Between the physical pain of it (who knew about that??) and the way time doesn’t move but then it flies by, it almost feels like it might not actually be real.
It is surreal. I am sitting here with my parents, watching Cash Cab of all things in front of a blazing fire, and if it were this time last year, Ken may just have gone to bed early. I keep thinking he’s going to just walk in and remind me to take my medicine or set my alarm or blow out the candle. xx
Again, I’m so moved by your words. While the years weren’t numerous enough, perhaps one day the realization of how much love & genuine living packed in them will ease the pain. Until then, keep writing. Please.
I know you know, Nancy. I thought of you on Thanksgiving and how you have written so beautifully about your mother as so many milestones have passed without her. I have marveled at your ability to do so. Thank you.
I feel guilty enjoying the beauty of your writing, Yvonne, inspired as it is by such a desperately sad event in your life. Thank you for sharing your gift with us in real time, for processing your pain in a way that we can all learn from. I have thought of you every day since I learned of your husband’s passing. And what a beautiful spirit Sophie is — you can see it in the photos. My heart aches for both of you.
Oh, Martha, she is a darling girl and continues to be the only real grown-up in our house. She and her dad had such a special relationship. I think he always knew she wouldn’t have him for a very long time, so he taught her everything he thought she would need to know – lots of love and laughter. I looked it up today – they had 5,809 days together. Not enough.
Yvonne, such elegance, such an ability to recreate for those not then present the fullness of the reality you experienced. I’ve wondered why people blogged. And now I know., Thank you.
Thanks for stopping, Jim. I suppose it’s a safe place to fall, really, day or night. Ironically, I have made friends with people who grew up just four or five miles down the road from me, in this very space. Somehow we missed each other in real life because of the schools or churches we attended. One of the reasons why I love to blog.
Thank you.
I am thinking of you often, Y. This was another beautiful post amid the anguish you and your family are facing.
I nodded through the computer when I read what you wrote in the comments section above, how you thought Ken would “just walk in.” I remember sitting in my folks’ kitchen a few days after my father died, and I heard the screen door close; I looked up fully expecting to see my father’s face; instead, I saw my brother’s. My brain could not reconcile the image.
I know I’ve said this before, but I’m so happy that your parents can be there with you, and spend this tender time with you and Sophie. {{{hugs}}} to you all, and to your special girl on her birthday.
PS I too think it’s a gift that you are writing about your grief in real time.
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Thank you, S. It is such a strange time. We are doing all the mundane things – cooking, laundry, watching the news, turning on the christmas lights, and because they are so mundane, I just keep expecting Ken to walk in and ask if I remembered to get gas on the way home.
I don’t know how long it has been since your father died, but I imagine that moment in the kitchen will stay with you forever.
I just realized that although I am writing in real time, it is the most unreal time of my life. You’re right. It is a very tender time for all of us, and it’s hard.
Thank you, thank you for keeping us in your thoughts xox
Each post you’ve written in these 25 days blows me away, and I imagine will do so onward. While I don’t really know you or your Ken, you’ve conjured your love for him, his love for you and your daughter in words so beautiful that total strangers can feel that love as Love. I feel it and will sit here for as long as you’d like, listening, reading and abiding.
Oh, Elizabeth what a beautiful thought – you abiding.
THank you so much.
Yvonne, I want you to know that I am here, that I pray for you and your daughter.
I cannot juggle words or conjure images that can express my desperate wish to ease your suffering. To be like a cool hand on a fevered forehead…to put a bandage on the hurt…to help…
It is risky what you have done…this laying bare to love deeply. You, your daughter, your family, have done this…you truly Live, truly Love…
I am honored and humbled to read your words.
Thank you so much, Kathleen, for all your support. It helps immeasurably. It really does.
You write so beautifully Yvonne, my heart aches for you all. Audrey xxxxx
Thanks so much for thinking about us, Audrey. We feel very safe and know that the next bit is doable, and the next etc
Audrey, thank you so much for being there for us.xo
No words Yvonne, just feel the least I can do is acknowledge that yet again you’ve managed to compose another hearfelt piece, written so eloquently at a time of pain. Love to all xx
I just keep thinking there’s been a mistake, that Ken can’t possibly be dead. It is surreal, indeed. x0
Yvonne ~ Know that we are here, reading, listening, grieving. Your pain is unfathomable and your courage breathtaking. I hold you in my heart. ~ Julie
Oh, Julie, thank you so much for listening and being with me. I feel the tremendous support of people I may never meet. It is quite something.
I think it was on your blog I first read about Sherman Alexie telling writers they needed to write about the scariest thing. I have thought of that so many times in recent days, and when I get the courage up, I will write more about what has happened, because this, right now, is the scariest thing. Thank you.
And we will be here to listen and respond. Peace and courage to you.
I cannot do more than just this – but I’m thinking of you and your daughter and your parents Keep writing. You have a gift; I’m so glad it is serving you in this hard time. Sending love, Catherine
I appreciate it so much. Very much buoyed by the good wishes and warm thoughts of people near and far. Thank you, Catherine.
Yvonne, it is your gift to us, to share this most unreal time so beautifully. Thank you.
Also, I might love your daddy
Ah, you would, you would …
Hi Yvonne,
I still can’t believe what has transpired either. It seems so impossible even from my vantage point. I think of you so often. I, too, am moved by your words. Keep using that pen. And that keyboard. Hugs to you…
Thank you, Nancy.
Even today, when they delivered the death certificate which says that Ken is dead, I keep thinking it might not be true.
I sat down without intention to read the whole thing….then, once started, could do nothing less. I forgot about how my dad shined my shoes, and I forgot about how the grieving is, for everyone, when a husband and father is gone. I am deeply sorry for your loss, deeply grateful for your voice. Thank you for sharing it all.
Oh, Beth, I sat down not really intending to write what ultimately came out. Thanks for staying with me.
my dear Yvonne,
you have written so many beautiful, heart wrenching but eloquent passages that leave so many of their words etched upon my heart because much of what you say and feel is so familiar. the grief you feel that renders such feelings of surrealness, that simply drift through your mind and echo right into the chambers of your heart, the actual physicality of pain – who could possibly imagine how stunning that strange hurt, how it fully gives meaning to the real condition of being broken hearted.
what you feel so acutely for your precious Sophie with the loss of her father, and for the helplessness of your Dear Father and Mother to ease your pain magnifies your own grief , as it does for them when they know the pain in your heart- it is the most profound and painful of times when a family realizes, then knows the truth – the piercing of each loving heart with such loss and unbearable sadness – of what families, good and loving ones, are meant to share – in good and beautiful times, and in times such as this.
it is good that you can be together, that all of you can help one another, that all the best in each one of you can enfold one another in abiding love and care, that loves austere and lonely offices can be less austere and less lonely as you hold on tight to one another in deepest love and reverence and simple but powerful acts of kindness, gratitude, and the comfort you all long for.
I think of you and your Family every day, wishing with all my heart there was something I could do or say that was meaningful and could assuage the pain. but all I can do is to willingly pay witness to it, then send you waves and waves of love and gentle, warm hugs…
with much love and light to you and your Sophie, and your Parents,,
Karen, xoxoxoxo .
you are so gracious and generous during what I know is a time of great heartache for you and yours. These “firsts” during the holidays are so unreal, aren’t they?
I’m all out of words this evening. It doesn’t help that, of course, I have come down with the flu.
Here is some lovely Heaney for you:
From “Squarings”
Strange how things in the offing, once they’re sensed,
Convert to things foreknown;
And how what’s come upon its manifest
Only in light of what has been gone through.
Seventh heaven may be
The whole truth of a sixth sense come to pass.
At any rate, when light breaks over me
The way it did on the road beyond Coleraine
Where wind got saltier, the sky more hurried
And silver lamé shivered on the Bann
Out in mid-channel between the painted poles,
That day I’ll be in step with what escaped me
Your daughter is just beautiful, and it pains me to think that those steady hands won’t be there for the next birthday candles. The “firsts” of this particular season must be so very tough. You write about these tremendous shifts and earthquakes so clearly. You very beautifully and lovingly acknowledge that empty chair and I hope you and your sweet daughter are surrounded by many who love and care for you through this season.
Thank you so much for reaching out to me with such warmth and understanding. Yes. Shifts and earthquakes. I hadn’t thought about it that way, but yes.
We are surrounded by a whole lot of love, and I am so glad for it. My daughter is beautiful and kind, and I am quite undone as I watch her go out to face the world every day. She is the light of my life.
Thank you
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Oh Yvonne – I’m so sorry to learn of your loss. Unknowingly, I was drawn in to your December 10 writing and shocked to learn what you and Sophie have been faced with – the loss of your husband and Sophie’s father. I’m nearly speechless. Thinking of you both in thought and prayer. Your friend, Gayle
Thank you so much, Gayle. Yes. It is a terrible time, but we are surrounded by good friends and family, near and far, who lift us up every day.
Thank you.